We take pride in ensuring that all products purchased from us are of high quality. While it is rare, there may be instances where an item may not function as intended or get damaged during transit. If you receive such an item, please contact our Customer Service team via email and provide your order number along with a detailed description of the issue.

Our Customer Service team will respond to your email within 2 working days and determine the best course of action to resolve the issue with minimum inconvenience to you.

If it is found that the item is indeed faulty, we will offer an exchange. The faulty item must be returned in its original packaging to our warehouse located in Sunshine West, Victoria 8438 within 14 days of purchase. Please note that delivery costs are non-refundable and the customer will be responsible for the cost of returning the item.

If the product is no longer in stock, a full refund will be provided instead.

Please be aware that for change-of-mind returns, a restocking fee will apply.